

Sagami shoko Co.,Ltd.
May 1, 1954
Business areas
Sales and processing of electronic materials and electrical insulating materials
30,000,000 yen (authorized capital 120,000,000 yen)
Tsutomu Hidai, President
41(As of April 2019)
Head office
1-20-8 Nishi Ochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo  161-8565
TEL: +81 3-3952-1101 (operator) FAX: +81 3-3950-1303

Quality Policy

Sagami shoko has formulated the following quality policy for the purpose of establishing a system that will ensure a continual supply of higher quality products.

1Achieve greater customer satisfaction by providing products and services that meet customer needs.
2We put our creative ingenuity to best use in order to maintain and continually improve the quality areas of our integrated management system.

Established September 1, 2006.
Revised March 25, 2016.

Environmental Policy

Sagami shoko has formulated the following policy aimed at ensuring that every employee maintains a full awareness of the importance of environmental preservation in his/her work, and at achieving a harmony between business and the environment.

1In our company’s business activities, we shall strive for resource conservation and work to improve the environmental performance of each individual employee.
2We put our creative ingenuity to best use in order to maintain and continually improve the environmental areas of our integrated management system.
3We shall observe all environment-related laws, as well as other requirements to which the company has agreed.

Established September 1, 2006.
Revised March 25, 2016


We have acquired Green Partner certifications.